3 Reasons Your Teen Will Benefit from Seeing a Pediatric Dentist

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kidsmileslincoln @ 7:34 am
a teen at the dentist

There’s no doubt that as a parent, you should always be taking your child to the dentist twice a year to ensure that their oral health has a bright future. But what happens when they start to grow older—should they be taken to a general dentist once they reach their teenage years, or are there merits to visiting their pediatric dentist for a little while longer?  Here are a few reasons why your teen will benefit from seeing a pediatric dentist.

Their Jaw Is Still Developing

Believe it or not, your teenager’s jaw won’t actually stop growing until well into early adulthood—usually around age 21 or so, according to most dentists. That said, pediatric dentists understand this and are specially trained and educated to monitor this growth. This means they’re the best person for your teen to visit as their smile grows and changes over the course of their youth. Additionally, the teenage years are generally when one starts to be considered for orthodontic treatment.

They Have Unique Dental Needs

Although they have most or all of their permanent teeth by their teenage years, your kid still has other unique dental needs that can easily be addressed by their pediatric dentist. For instance, wisdom teeth, or the third set of molars located in the back of the mouth, usually make their appearance during the late teenage years. They’re notorious for causing pain, crowding, and even tooth decay. But pediatric dentists can often detect issues that occur with wisdom teeth as soon as they begin to appear!

They’re Still Developing Healthy Dental Habits

Oral hygiene is a lifelong commitment; from the moment you have teeth through the rest of your life, you’re responsible for caring for your pearly whites, and these habits begin at a young age! During the teenage years, important hygienic habits are still being honed and developed—and professional guidance and oversight during this time will ensure that your kid is doing things correctly. Also, teens can have unique challenges relating to their dental health like high carb/high sugar diets, an increased risk of sports injuries, and the occasional presence of orthodontic appliances. The bottom line is that pediatric dentists have an expert understanding of a teen’s needs and can prepare them for the future.

About the Practice

Our skilled team here at Kids’ Smiles on Lincoln takes pride in their ability to provide an outstanding level of care for young patients in the Worcester area! They offer a wide range of services that are certain to help your kid achieve a healthy smile with a bright future. If you have any questions about the article or would like to schedule a visit for a loved one, feel free to contact us today for assistance. Telephone: (508) 506-8859.

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