Obvious Signs That Your Child Is Teething

March 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kidsmileslincoln @ 6:51 am
a child feeling discomfort due to teething

There’s a time in all of our lives when we experience our first tooth coming in. And even though you might not remember this yourself, if you have a child, odds are that you’re going to be helping to guide them through this! But when does this typically take place, and how do you know it’s occurring? Keep reading to learn more from your pediatric dentist about teething and some of the obvious symptoms that it’s occurring, along with some ways you can alleviate your little one’s discomfort.  

When Do Children Start Teething?

Generally speaking, your child’s teeth will usually begin making their grand and grumpy entrance at around the 6-month mark. However, it is possible for signs of teething to begin sooner, even by as much as two or three months. Conversely, some infants don’t get their first tooth until around or after their first birthday.

Obvious Signs That Your Little One Is Teething

Since every child experiences teething differently, it’s important to know what symptoms to look out for so that you can help them get through this milestone. Here are some of the first signs of teething:

  • Swollen, tender gums
  • Fussiness and crying
  • A slightly raised temperature
  • Gnawing or wanting to chew on hard things
  • Lots of drool, which can cause a rash on their face
  • Coughing
  • Rubbing their cheek or pulling their ear
  • Changes in eating or sleeping patterns

How Can I Soothe My Child While They’re Teething?

Even though teething can manifest some pretty uncomfortable symptoms for your child, there are also ways in which you can soothe their discomfort and provide them with respite. Teething toys, for instance, can provide a great deal of relief for your little one—plus, children love to chew! The gumming action of these items provides counter-pressure, which relieves the aching as teeth push up and into the mouth.

Applying something cold to your baby’s inflamed and sore gums can also help relieve the pain of teething, such as a cold compress or a chilled drink. Pain relievers can also be used but be sure that it’s a type that is suitable for younger children and that you’re following the dosing instructions closely. It’s also worth noting that numbing agents and over-the-counter teething gels should not be used to assist children with teething, as they can lead to complications.

Teething can be unpleasant for your little one, but it’s also a part of life and not something that should endanger them. Knowing what signs to look for and how to alleviate their discomfort will ensure that they’re able to get through the process with relative ease.

About the Practice

Here at Kids’ Smiles on Lincoln, we’re thrilled to offer a wide range of pediatric services focused on improving the health and beauty of your little one’s growing smile. Our team is led by the amazing Dr. Myles Clancy, who received his DMD from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine before completing his training in pediatric dentistry at the University of Illinois. If you have any questions about the article or would like to arrange a visit, feel free to contact us online or over the phone for further assistance: (508) 290-0090.

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