Do Baby Teeth Ever Need Fillings?

August 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — kidsmileslincoln @ 4:42 pm
a child smiling while receiving dental care

Did you know that children are just as vulnerable to dental problems as adults? After all, cavities are undeniably one of the most common health issues in the world. That said, if a child develops a cavity, is there a point in having it filled if their baby teeth are just going to fall out in the future? The answer is often yes, given the risk that dental decay poses! Continue reading to learn a little more about these tooth-colored fillings and how they can greatly boost your child’s dental wellness.

How Does a Dentist Determine If a Baby Tooth Needs a Filling?

To put things simply, there are three primary factors that heavily influence whether a baby tooth needs a filling. Their dentist will consider these questions:

  • How close is the tooth to falling out?
  • How large is the decayed/damaged portion?
  • How likely is the child to develop future cavities?

If the tooth is going to fall out soon, or if it’s projected to loosen within the next 6 to 12 months, the dentist might suggest improving oral hygiene. Usually, X-rays can help to assess this by seeing how much of the baby tooth’s root is still present. This root will dissolve as the adult tooth prepares to erupt.

But most cavities that have reached the inside layer of the tooth, called the dentin, need to be filled since they pose a large threat to the entire tooth and even surrounding teeth. If the cavity is so large that a filling won’t suffice, it might need to receive a crown or be extracted. Since cavities can spread from tooth to tooth, dentists will also recommend fixing the tooth if the child is at a particularly higher risk of developing future cavities.

How Can Cavities Be Prevented?

Of course, taking a proactive approach concerning your child’s smile will always be the best option; if they don’t develop cavities, they won’t need fillings in the first place! Encourage and enforce daily oral hygiene – they should be brushing twice a day using fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush, and they should strive to floss after every meal. If your child is young, you will need to brush for them or provide assistance.

Routine preventive care is also paramount; they should see their dentist no later than their first birthday and continue to attend checkups every six months afterward. In addition to protecting teeth or having affected ones filled, it’s also wise to encourage children to adhere to a healthy diet and proper hygiene habits. By doing so, you can greatly mitigate the need for fillings in the first place by ensuring cavities don’t have the chance to develop!

About the Practice

Our team here at Kids’ Smiles on Lincoln has served the dental needs of families in Worcester for several years under the talented leadership of Dr. Myles Clancy . We proudly offer a wide range of pediatric services including preventive, restorative, and emergency dentistry for children of all ages. To learn more or to schedule an appointment for your child, please visit us online or call us today for information or assistance. Telephone: (508) 290-0090.  

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